• Oranges

    • Fukumoto: Originating from Japan, these oranges have a rounded shape, smooth skin of medium thickness, a pleasant taste and are very juicy. The color is orange with blonde pulp.
    • VCR Navelina: Characterized by an intense orange color, rounded or slightly oval shape and seedless, these oranges are remarkably juicy with blonde pulp.
    • Lane Late: Belonging to the Washington Navel family, these oranges ripen late. They have a spherical shape, thin and smooth skin and juicy yellow/orange pulp. They are seedless.
  • Clementines

    • Clemerubi : they have an intense orange color and have a high juice and sugar content thanks to the particularly sweet and juicy pulp.
    • Corsica 2 : originating from Morocco, they are very large in size, have an oblate shape and are orange in colour. The seeds are absent.
  • Mandarins

    Our Mandalate mandarins from Basilicata are the new frontier of citrus fruits as they are obtained from the cross between the Fortune mandarin and the Avana mandarin. They are a seedless and late-producing variety, they have an oblate shape and are intense orange in color. The peel is thin and not too adherent to the pulp, a characteristic that makes them particularly easy to peel.

  • Lemons

    Our lemons belong to the Fiorente Siracusano variety, they are thirst-quenching and full of juice. They have a citrine-yellow pulp and are elliptical in shape.

Buy your citrus fruits now.

Citrus fruits

OP Zuccarella citrus fruits bring the warmth of the sun directly to...